Graphic Design


May 2023

dolly zine

This is the brand identity I have created for Zoë + Franny Design to represent my work.


March 2023

Zoë+Franny design

Orange door

Sketchbook Brewery



This was a bag/ beer can design I created for Sketchbook Brewery’s traditional beer, orange door.

the Mexican shop

The Mexican Shop


March 2023

This was a logo redesign assignment for the small business I work at in Evasnton, Il.

March 2023

Alexander Girard

This was a project to create a work influenced by a Graphic Design God or Goddess. My chosen graphic designer was Alexander Girard. I created a repeating pattern influenced by his works to create a silk scarf as well as a poster for an event presented by Girard.

February 2023

Étoile filante

This was a project to create an image to go along with a phrase. I chose the phrase Ètoile Filante, which translates to shooting star in french. I created a character to go along with my phrase and then animated it to appear to be shooting out of a canon.

January 2023

Awake + ASleep

This was a project to create an image to represent words that oppose each other. I chose Awake and Asleep, and used several pieces of imagery to represent these feelings. I created a sun and moon character as well as pairing it with a lamb and a rooster to double down on representation. Additionally I included a fence for the lamb to jump over and the rooster to perch on.